
About Food and Energy Trends

War, inflation, a warming planet, a rapidly growing global population—these topics are important and urgent on their own, but now, they’re having a major impact on global food and energy security, and in turn, the national and economic security of countries around the world.

Food and Energy Trends is an independent daily news website focused on the intersection of food, energy, trade, and geopolitics. We cover stories from the impact of the war in Ukraine on fertilizer trade flows and how companies are addressing the energy transition, to how technology and the world’s most innovative thinkers are securing global food and energy supply in the face of a growing population and rapidly changing climate. 

Check back daily as our team of independent writers and editors from around the world bring their expertise on topics including energy, environment, agriculture, biotechnology, and geopolitics to ensure our readers stay up to date on the biggest food and energy stories of our time.