
EC Accelerates Clean Energy Transition with New Synergy Brochure

climate policies

The European Commission (EC) has launched a new brochure that features 33 energy projects, all funded by the EU. The projects are aimed at advancing Europe’s clean energy transition, the EC said in a press release.

“If Europe is to achieve its goal of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050, it must start by reducing its dependency on fossil fuels,” the statement reads.

Clean energy transition to REPower the EU Synergy Info Pack highlights a long list of requirements that need to be made in order to achieve net neutrality.

These projects take place in different countries and industries, but they share one common idea – a clean energy transition in Europe.

Some of the projects include STEELANOL – an innovative technology that captures carbon and turns it into bio-fuel, in addition to PULSE, showcasing how liquefied waste plastic can be turned into a new resource.

Apart from bio-fuels, the projects are also seeking to expand the electric vehicle (EV) industry, thus reducing transportation-related emissions.

The TrAM project vessel called Medstraum – a zero-emission fast passenger boat – already operates a daily route in Norway.

With the implementation of the 33 projects, the European Commission is looking to cut down the use of fossil fuels and accelerate the progress toward net-zero emissions in Europe by 2050.

For more details and a full list of projects, click this link.